Electrolux threaten to leave SAS

In an article in SvD one can read that Electrolux CEO send a letter to the CEO of SAS saying they want to continue to fly with SAS, but given the number of strikes and delayed flights, they see no other solution than to boycott SAS. Specifically if the now announced strike starts on Friday.

Brevet, som är undertecknat av Hans Stråberg och inleds med “Broder”, är riktat till Anders Ehrling, vd för SAS Sverige. I brevet uttrycker Stråberg sin oro inför strejken på fredag och skriver att det i längden är en situation som inte är acceptabel. Update: Kurtis also writes about this is his blog:

First SAS moved their flights to Copenhagen as a hub, although most of their travellers, including me, starts their travel in Stockholm. Then the illegal strikes of the Danish cabin crews and now the strikes of the Swedish cabin crews. I have no idea what the SAS unions think they are achieving except more people leaving SAS leading to less revenue and more staff-cuts. The SAS unions seems to be living in the same past times as the SAS pricing and route structure.