A week at Les Florets

Once again, the yearly trip to southern Rhone valley has ended. Another 3500 or so km on the list of distances we have driven to find the best wine in the world, and the best food regarding price / performance. It was the fifth time at Les Florets, and they have become even better.
Many of my friends have now also been there, and I think even more people should investigate this place.
The last dinner Thursday, with fois gras and melon sorbet, pidgeon, cheese, and variations of fruit. Accompanied with one of the best wine I have had so far: Domaine La Barroche Fiancée 2004. Yes, 2004, that is in general not a very impressive year. A few year from now, it is time to check the 2007.
Updated: The dinner?
Déclinaison foie gras et melon : Terrine de foie gras, miroir meloncompotée de melon en verrine, crème de foie gras, sorbet melon Demi pigeon mitonné en cassolette, champignons d’été, épeautres au mascarpone, tuile dentelle Grana Padano
Plateau de fromages
Pain perdu brioché aux amandes, nectarines croquantes au miel, gaspacho abricot au calisson, sorbet citron basilic