WCIT 2012 is over
So, at home after two weeks in Dubai. At home, 30°C colder, but with cats and my own bed. I guess I will sleep quite a lot this weekend before the normal work week start on Monday.
While contemplating what has happened, I saw that the reservations have been released. They are in document 66-E from WCIT and can be found on wcitleaks.
The reason why I reference this is that I so much like what we said from Sweden. It summarizes our view on the Internet and Internet related processes quite well.
For Sweden:
Sweden notes that “Resolution PLEN/3 (Dubai, 2012) To foster an enabling environment for the greater growth of the Internet in the International Telecommunications Regulations” does not address the full picture of the environment and situation of the Internet and Internet Governance. The resolution only quotes parts of the Tunis Agenda (2005) that contains a number of important aspects on Internet Governance. One of those aspects cannot be referenced to in isolation, as is the case in the clause “recognizing e)” of the resolution. In particular § 55 of the Tunis Agenda states the following. “We recognize that the existing arrangements for Internet governance have worked to make the Internet the highly robust, dynamic and geographically diverse medium that it is today, with the private sector taking the lead in day-to-day operations, and with innovation and value creation at the edges.”
Sweden therefore considers that this resolution does not do justice to all stakeholders involved in Internet related matters, and that it does not recognize the fully working, self-developing, bottom-up multi-stakeholder formats that work and evolve today on the Internet.
Sweden also considers that the public Internet and other Internet Protocol-based networks and services, whether governmental, public or private, are outside the scope of the International Telecommunication Regulations.