Internationell diplomati

Jag var del av den svenska delegationen till Internationella Teleunionens möte WCIT i Dubai december 2012. Mötet slutade utan att man var överens om den slutgiltiga texten. Många länder skrev på, men EU, USA, Australien m.fl. valde att lämna mötet utan att skriva under det föreslagna fördraget. Detta beskrivs dock mer på andra ställen, och jag kan komma att återkomma till detta.

Det intressanta är dock flera av de olika spel som syntes mellan raderna.

Under det att WCIT avslutades och en mängd reservationer lämnades in av ett flertal länder (inklusive Sverige) och det var i de uttalanden som gjorde, de argumentationer som hördes (inte minst i korridorerna) samt i reservationerna som de verkliga åsikterna kom fram.

Idag i Svenska Dagbladet var det en artikel med titeln “Cameron: Vi skulle kriga igen för Falklandsöarna”. När jag läste den drog jag mig till minnes de reservationer från Argentina (nr 4) och Storbritannien (nr 93) som jag redan då lyfte på ögonbrynen åt. Dessa, liksom Sveriges, innehöll inte normal text. Jag återger dem här i nummerordning.

Först Argentina och sedan Storbritannien:


Original: Spanish

For the Argentine Republic:

In signing the Final Acts of the World Conference on International Telecommunications of the International Telecommunication Union (Dubai, 2012), the delegation of Argentina declares that it reserves for its Government:

–                 The right to adopt any measures that it may deem necessary, in accordance with domestic legislation and international law, to safeguard national interests should other Member States fail to comply with the Final Acts of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (Dubai, 2012) or should the reservations expressed by other Member States affect the international telecommunication services of the Argentine Republic or its sovereign rights.

–                 The right to express reservations to the Final Acts of the World Conference on International Telecommunications (Dubai, 2012) between the date of signature of these Final Acts and the date of the possible presentation of the instruments approving those Acts, in accordance with the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969.

–                 The Argentine Republic recalls the reservation it made when ratifying the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union, signed in the city of Geneva, Switzerland, on 22 December 1992, and reaffirms its sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands, the South Georgia Islands, the South Sandwich Islands, the surrounding maritime areas and the Argentine Antarctic, which form an integral part of its national territory.

It further recalls that, in relation to the “Question of the Malvinas Islands”, the United Nations General Assembly has adopted resolutions 2065 (XX), 3160 (XXVIII), 31/49, 37/9, 38/12, 39/6, 40/21, 41/40, 42/19 and 43/25, recognizing the existence of a dispute over sovereignty and requesting the Governments of the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to resume negotiations with a view to finding a lasting and peaceful solution to that dispute as soon as possible.

The Argentine Republic further points out that the United Nations Special Committee on Decolonization has made repeated pronouncements along the same lines, most recently through the resolution adopted on 14 June 2012, and that the General Assembly of the Organization of American States adopted a further similarly worded pronouncement on the question on 5 June 2012.


Original: English

For the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

1                 The delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland having noted all the reservations and declarations contained in Document 66 of 14 December 2012, declares on behalf of its Government, in response to Declaration 4 entered by the delegation of the Argentine Republic, that the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has no doubt about its sovereignty over the Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands. The United Kingdom firmly rejects the claim by the Government of Argentina to sovereignty over those islands and maritime areas.

2                 The United Kingdom Government attaches great importance to the principle and right of self-determination as set out in Article 1.2 of the Charter of the United Nations and Article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This principle underlies our position on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands. There can be no negotiation on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands unless and until such time as the Falkland Islanders so wish. The Islanders regularly make it clear that they wish the Falkland Islands to remain under British sovereignty.

3                 The United Kingdom also rejects the claim by the Government of Argentina to sovereignty over areas of the British Antarctic Territory, and in this context draws attention to Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty to which both the United Kingdom and the Argentina are parties.

4                 The delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland furthermore refers to Declaration 58 for the Republic of Poland and also reserves the right for its Government to make any declaration or reservation should it at some later date accede to these Regulations and furthermore declares that, as from accession its Government shall apply these Regulations in accordance with its obligations under the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.