Issues with SAS - Again

The stories around SAS just continue and continue. Today I arrived early at CPH to catch a flight at 06.20. First problem was that I got yesterday the normal sms message that tell me I can check in over the Internet (or via SMS etc). I struggled with browsers because of the broken website of SAS, and when finally entering the correct data I get the message that Checking in over the Internet is not possible, But, I just got a message telling me I should check in!

Second problem that the security check for SAS Gold Card holders was closed. That is not an SAS problem per se, but still irritating. Third that the lounge had not opened yet. It opens at 05.30. When do one think one need the lounge? When the flight is 06.20, one just have to have some coffee.

Finally (I hope) after entering the lounge when it opened, they had no bread, nothing there. Not until now (while I type) at 05.45 they have placed some bread on the tables. This implies they open 05.30, but in reality you can not get anything to eat until 15 minutes later.

A good start of a long week in Tallinn? Well, if this is the worst thing that happens to me, the week will be pretty good, but still, very irritating. How come there are these problems with SAS all the time, and not with other airlines?