ISP TeliaSonera move their email servers to Finland

According to an article in Ny Teknik, TeliaSonera is moving their email servers from Sweden to Finland This because there is a proposal in Sweden that let the agency FRA wiretap wired connections crossing the country boundary of Sweden, TeliaSonera move their email servers to Finland. This because customers in Finland (including public sector) is threatening moving from TeliaSonera.

Of course we need to be able to fight criminals in Sweden, but as I have written before, this whole case have been managed extremely poorly by the Swedish Government. Coordination could have been better between the various proposals that touch wiretap and data retention. As it is now, this whole question is for the press like offering candy to kids, and at the end of the day companies like TeliaSonera is forced to make decisions just because they risk loosing customers due to the work journalists and the press produce.