Selling TeliaSonera too fast?

Anne-Marie Pålsson (m), Sven Bergström (c) och Annelie Enochsson (kd) in an article in DN say that they can not understand the government policy on selling Telia. I sort of understand their worries, BUT they miss some important issues.

For example, they write the following:

En annan komplikation står att finna hos Försvarsmakten. Också den använder accessnätet för sin kommunikation, varför varje dominerande ägare av nätet måste sekretessprövas. Denna uppgift är lösbar så länge som den svenska staten har kontroll över bolaget. Men vad händer när staten sålt sin andel i bolaget? Vem kommer att äga bolaget och nätet i andra, tredje och fjärde hand?

The problem is not that Försvarsmakten will loose control over the network when/if TeliaSonera is sold. The problem is already there as Försvarsmakten already today uses infrastructure owned by privately held companies. The problem is that we already today have a situation that might not be completely under control, and the solution is simply to come up with some plan for how to handle the situation that Försvarsmakten (or someone else) need some passive infrastructure (in Sweden) that is owned by non-governmental agencies.

I also must say that Försvarsmakten themselves already today to some degree know about this problem, and individuals dealing with connections to for example UN operations think they have things under control. They have already had this problem for so long time they think it is a non-problem. So maybe it is?

My point is that it is definitely not directly connected to TeliaSonera, but indirectly. This is not an argument for keeping the shares in Telia/Sonera, but an argument for coming up with a generic plan.