IPv6 - Its a floorvax AND dessert topping

Sitting in Geneva at an Internet Governance Forum meeting and try to explain to people how the Internet works. In parallell I have discussions with people that think IPv4 addresses allocated today will stop working the day IANA hand out the last IPv4 address block to the Regional Registries. In the middle of this discussion, I am pointed at a blog entry by Kurtis Lindqvist that really say the truth. Read it!

I have said this before in public, but not in writing, but I thought that time has come too. The IPv6 ‘marketeers’ is one of the largest threats to IPv6 deployment. Simply because they have created an unreasonable hype that is guaranteed to disappoint adopters. So let’s get that first thing sorted out, IPv6 is IPv4 with a larger address pool. Nothing more, nothing less. ‘No magic’. There is nothing I can do with IPv6 that I can’t do with IPv4 (well, short of address more devices) already.

But you should read his entire post.