Are we having fun yet?

At the IGF meeting, one can get some interesting exchanges of words now and then. In the transcript of the meeting of May 23 meeting, you can find the following:

`»CHAIRMAN DESAI: The next person I have is Riaz Tayob. Riaz.

RIAZ TAYOB: Thank you, Mr. Chair. I am from the Third World Network which enjoys representation in Asia, Latin America and Africa and deals with issues of concern to developing countries. Chairman Desai, congratulations on your reappointment as special advisor to the secretary-general. The points I wish to raise should not detract from the excellent work and commitment shown by the Secretariat. We would prefer that they be taken in the spirit of safeguarding the Internet Governance Forum as one of the legitimate fora that is able to discuss internet related issues.*Some text removed*We therefore wish to emphasize, given the serious concerns raised by the civil society, Internet Governance Caucus on the composition of the advisory group that the Secretariat in all its operations and executions of functions must not only be neutral and transparent but must be seen to be so. Let me explain. We support the proposals for critical Internet resources to be included on the Rio agenda explicitly. We therefore believe it is inappropriate for people or institutions with vested interests or otherwise to play a critical role in the Secretariat’s operations given the sensitivity and importance of this issue to developing countries and civil society organizations. Even at this meeting there are critical roles assigned to people with strong links to the institutions currently in charge of critical Internet resources. This is inappropriate and we believe that the Secretariat should protect itself from any perceptions of a lack of neutrality.*Some text removed*»CHAIRMAN DESAI: Thank you very much for your comments, but I would say that I find your comments about Secretariat depending on people who have connections et cetera, et cetera, quite unacceptable. There are two of us. I don’t think any of us have any such connection. This process has been run openly, transparently and squarely. And I think this type of language which alleges gerrymandering and so on is completely uncalled for, at least as it app place to the processes that we have been following for Athens or for the process here. And I can assure you that the Secretariat consists of just Markus Kummer and one other person, and that’s me, and none of us have any connection with any such process. We are here simply to facilitate this whole exercise. Can I call on the gentleman from Fujitsu. Would you like to –

RIAZ TAYOB: Yes, Mr. Chair. I said I was available for clarification. Let me clarify, because this was not directed at neither you nor Mr. Kummer, but it’s the discomfort with the persons who are handling the online question and answer.

CHAIRMAN DESAI: Why don’t you do it? You do it? No problem?

RIAZ TAYOB: Well, I have done it, sir.

CHAIRMAN DESAI: Do it. I hereby request you also to join in, in monitoring the online conversation, right now. I am inviting you to join in monitoring the online conversation, and you come up with, as others would, anything which comes up on the online conversation which you think we need to know.


CHAIRMAN DESAI: Okay. Good. And I now call on the gentleman from Fujitsu.*Some text removed, including a statement from Canada that they ended with announcing a donation of $100.000 to the IGF process.*»CHAIRMAN DESAI: May I take this opportunity of thanking Canada for this contribution because it will certainly go a long way towards improving developing country participation [ Applause ]

CHAIRMAN DESAI: And in light of this applause I hope that others are listening – (Laughter.)

CHAIRMAN DESAI: – because that will help. Adam Peake.

ADAM PEAKE: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Adam Peake. I work for a research institute in Tokyo. I was also a member of the advisory group last year, and I was one of the volunteers who helped take comments remotely, so I must be evil, according to one of the earlier presenters.`

Yes, I am also a member of that advisory group, so I must also be evil.