Making money with domain names
The story continues…domain name management is a money revenue stream. I am not specifically ironic on .MOBI, but just want to point out that these kind of sessions and flyers existed all over the place at the ICANN meeting in San Juan. This from my point of view make it sometimes a bit unclear whether interests in changes in policies is purely from a business perspective, or whether they are based on end user (registrants) interests.
Regarding .MOBI, I think that story is a bit sad, as the main argument seems to be that one must be able to see a website on a mobile phone, i.e. device with small screen, low bandwidth etc. The HTTP protocol do include content negotiation features, and if they are not enough, the problem should have been resolved in the IETF.
That said, now .MOBI exists, and I hope people do implement proper detection mechanisms that exists in the HTTP protocol so websites both in the .MOBI TLD and other TLDs work on all devices.