Prototype's EventObserver only fire off once when observing Radio Buttons

I have been fighting with some code for 2 hours now, out of which 1 hour is programming, and the other hour split between reading books and using Google.

Finally I found Ticket #7895 that have pointers to descriptions here and here about the problem.

In my case, I had the following code, that did not work:

<%= radio_button_tag :adminc_handle, :yes, checked = true %> Have Adminc <%= radio_button_tag :adminc_handle, :no %> Do not have Adminc <%= observe_field('adminc_handle_yes', :url => { :action =>:toggleadminc }) %> <%= observe_field('adminc_handle_no', :url => { :action =>:toggleadminc }) %>


Now I hope someone can pick up and fix this bug. Myself, I am not a javascript person, and I am only a user of the prototype framework as used in Ruby on Rails.