A very weird idea from Mats Johansson (m)

I just have to mention I support for example Mary Jensen when she writes that the ideas from Mats Johansson (m) are among the most weird ones she has heard. This person, mr Johansson, has for the second time in two weeks made weird statements on how policing of the Internet should work. You can see (in Swedish) here in the blog opassande what he said. Also look at the comments to this blog post.

Mats Johansson has his own blog which imply he has some inside information on what the Internet is about. Still, he writes things like this. He in that statement write so many weird things, specifically when he comment on the response IT Minister Åsa Torstensson gave in the parliament (a response I like…). Mr Johansson clearly did not listen to what Åsa said. I think he should re-read what she said. His question is here, and her response is here.

I understand if a political party like (m) do not want to create an explicit view on these matters, but I think mr Johansson now forces (m) to explicitly state whether what he says is the ideas of (m), or if this is just himself acting as a loose cannon in the media.