Beatrice Ask is in trouble again

The Minister of Justice is once again talking about issues she obviously do not know much about. In this article she discusses the proposed legislation in Sweden according to which private entities that want to know the name etc of people that copy copyrighted material should get that from ISPs directly after a decision in court.

The article describes the contrary view that many lawyers have, which is that the crime does not have high enough penalty to be able to make such an intrusion on the privacy of the individual.

She say two things that make me upset:

  • Problemet är att vi hanterar frågor inom ett område som är nytt, där det inte finns regler som fungerar tillräckligt väl i dag.

In reality, we have rules that work very well. Just like in other areas, the police is prioritizing the crimes, and they hunt down the parties that commit the crimes. That is how it should work in a normal country of today, and that is how it works. If the police do not have enough resources, they have to get more resources.

To have private entities doing the job of the police is a bad path forward, specifically when it has to do with integrity issues.

Daniel Westman point out that it will be extremely easy to fabricate evidence that the courts must accept, if one want to get the identity of an individual, but Beatrice is saying that is no problem at all.

  • Det fodras att man har bevis på att det skett ett intrång. Det kommer att utvecklas en praxis för vad som krävs.

This is amazing. She obviously knows more about Internet than people in the business do.

I see that the IT Advisory group that I am a member of, as advisor to the IT Minister, have some work to do.

And, we all know that the overall problem regarding copying of copyright protected material is that the owners of that material still refuses to produce products that are acceptable on the market.

That Beatrice over and over again make these kind of mistakes surprises me. She and/or her political advisors should know better by now.