Competition is important the IT Minister says

I am sort of on the same side as Lars Hedberg in the article in IDG about the need for competition in broadband networks. But I think having the government making a statement that competition regarding services in a broadband network is important is needed. I have been waiting for such statements for a very long time. And now I see it coming. Not only in Sweden.

Just like I understand what Lars is saying (and why), I do not think he has to worry. The members of his organisation (and other broadband providers) that do the right thing are ok. The parties one might have problems with is, I think, the ones that provide services in more than one layer in the value chain, and in such a way that it has impact on competition on the higher level services.

If we just look at the members Lars has, a minority is doing their business in a way so that there is a reason for regulators to complain. And the numbers are decreasing. Market economy and consumers interest will ensure that we get open networks – at least in the long(er) run.

What I am more worried about are questions about responsibilities. Data retention, legal intercept, blocking access to specific content and resources, intellectual property rights (including distribution of digital content). That will (and is already) creating problems. Forcing network providers (IP layer) to also be responsible for higher level services (applications).

In the meetings I participate in, probably 75% of the time is spent on education, and not discussion about the real issues that where on the agenda of the meeting. Maybe that is always the case? Maybe that will always be the case? But, what I hope (and what I actually see, I should not be too negative here) is that the people working with their non-it problems will automatically include an IT/Internet view on things, just like they have to think about the environment, laws and economy.