Report on Broadband Market by Swedish Regulator
The Swedish National Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) just released a report (in Swedish) on the Swedish Broadband market. You can find it on their website. When reading it I am confused. The report do not manage to understand the relationship(s) between deployment of NGN and Triple-Play (regardless of what the acronyms imply), it doesn’t talk about the fact regulation in fact can change the future, and ignores the current discussion in the world regarding Network Neutrality (regardless of what that implies).
Because of this, I think the report is of extremely low quality, and now I am really not evaluating the content. It is simply impossible to do. Another sign that the report is of low quality is that the mix of Swedish and English in the report give hints that IDC that created it probably have taken an English Standard Report of theirs, translated it and added some stuff from the regulator itself about the Swedish Market.
Dear PTS, you can do better. You should be able to do better. Or else I am really nervous about the future.