At last: Some warnings over IT issues
Swedish Radio reports that Swedish Emergency Management Agency / KBM has released a report (pressrelease here) where they together with .SE has checked DNS, and Web security. 800 organisations where checked. They have checked things starting with the DNS, how stable the DNS hosting of the zones are, via SMTP setup (availability of STARTTLS and SPF), to web server hosting issues.
Report is in Swedish.
Fler än sex av tio samhällsviktiga myndigheter och organisationer i Sverige har stora brister i sin användning av de funktioner som gör dem åtkomliga på Internet. En fjärdedel har allvarliga fel. Det visar en genomgång från .SE (Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur) och KBM.
You can by the way check some of this in the Frobbit service DNSCHECK.