Stora IP-Priset to Lars Aronsson

Lars Aronsson was awarded Stora IP-Priset (The Large IP Price) by Swedish Network Users Society. He got the price because of the work he has done with Projekt Runeberg, and lately Wikimedia Sverige.

Lars has been working very very hard for more years than many of us. Project Runeberg for example was started 1992 and it scans books and publish them on the web. Some 15 years before Google start with the same thing.

I like Lars a lot as you understand, and I together with Anne-Marie Eklund Löwinder and Jan Berner awarded Lars Aronsson with Fiberpriset 2.0 in 2004. Not at all as prestigious as the Stora IP-Priset, but fun, and a way for me to show my appreciation of what Lars has done.