So called cooperation is requested regarding digital music

So we have another article in the press (in Swedish this time) that talk about the need for creators of content and ISPs to cooperate and fight illegal distribution, replication and copying of music. Once again, I must say point out everyone is cooperating except the copyright owners.

In this article it is claimed that:

  • INGET TYDER på att det vänt, försäljningsminskningen fortsätter som en följd av piratkopierandet och den lagliga försäljningen över nätet, kan inte kompensera bortfallet, säger Ludvig Werner.

In short, this quote in Swedish say that decrease of sale is because of the illegal copying, and legal sale on the net is not compensating this loss. Well, if there was any ability to buy the music in the format, price, and convenience one want as a customer, we could have the discussion. But very very few such locations exist. I have until recently bought all my music on CD’s (not good for CO2 emission), but when Apple iTunes started to sell things in a format so I can copy it to any MP3 player I want, I have (finally) started buying music only online. Was this about time? Oh yes. Can I get the music I want in this format? Not at all. Is the price right? Nope. Why is music that I download (paying for the IP packets instead of buying the plastic that has been pressed, shipped and stored somewhere) is more expensive. I do not understand.

What in the distribution and production chain when using download is more expensive for the music industry when I download than when I buy things on plastic?