Talk until the cows come home...
In the fall the grass is not so fun anymore for animals that eat it. Except on our lawn that we deliberately stopped cutting a month back or so. That resulted in the cows breaking down the fence not once, but twice. So when I opened the door to get the newspaper, well, as you can see, the cows has came home (the wire you see is one I put up temporarily at 1AM in the morning to keep the cows on the lawn). I guess this might have either to do with the Internet Governance Forum. Now only hell has to freeze over, and we are done.
**Updated:**My friend Mats point out that it does not look like a cow, rather a male small one brought up for meat. True, it is a male. A simmentaler, so that it was brought up for meat is also correct. But small. Not really. He is most certainly 800kg. That was one of the reasons why I walked very carefully at 1AM trying to put up the electricity fence temporary. They could see me, but I would definitely see them too late if they wanted to say hi.