What is "Internet 2.0"?
I have been asked to hold a presentation on Wednesday this week about Internet 2.0. To be honest, I do not know really what that means. Googling (nice verb btw) do not give much data. Some people claim Tim O’Reilly talk about Internet 2.0 when he mentiones network of networks, but if you look at that article, you see he point out Internet is just like it has always been.
I start to ask myself if not the people that wanted me to talk in reality wanted to ask about Web 2.0. But I do not really know for sure. Today when I talked to them, they confirmed the time I was supposed to talk. 30 minutes. Then I have to leave due to other duties (my schedule is too often more crowded than a subway in Tokyo).
But, I can not do much about it. I will talk about my view of the future of the Internet, convergence, competition issues, and the risk I see in Sweden (the audience is Swedish). That when looking at competition we concentrate so much on ability to share passive infrastructure that we forget the ability for users to choose what services (on top of IP) they are interested in.
While thinking about all of this, my friend Jan Kallberg found an interesting tool with which you can create dynamic images with whatever text you want. He has himself tested it on one of his favorite topics. Google of course is pushing these kind of services the most. But more will follow. Web2.0 is here, and that put requirements on Internet 2.0 to be open, transparent and have predictable behaviour.