Read between the lines what KBM writes

If you read carefully the article where Ingvar Hellquist say it is dangerous to create one location where data is collected about IT Incidents in Sweden, you will see that it is just one more piece of the push Swedish Emergency Management Agency (KBM) do regarding extending their role. Saying what he says implies that he is against the current CERT in Sweden (SITIC) simply because it is located at the regulator (PTS) and not KBM.

KBM has the last year (at least) continuously complained on SITIC, but the role of KBM (and some other agencies) is now under investigation. It will be interesting to read the result of that investigation when it is ready. The complaints they have against what anyone else is doing regarding IT is something I do read with a grain of spoon full of salt, just because they try to make a case for themselves.