Teracom winning yet another bid

In an article in IDG it is explained how the local community outside Eskilstuna in Sweden bought a network from Teracom when they in reality already had help from the provider Zitius with the network. The story is that Zitius asked two potential fiber providers for a quote: TeliaSonera and Teracom. Only TeliaSonera responded. What seems to have happened though was that Teracom instead of responding to the RFI bypassed Zitius and offered a network to the community directly.

Unfortunately the article (as usual) do not talk about what TerracomTeracom offered the community. Whether there are any requirements that anyone can rent dark fiber from the fiber provider (TerracomTeracom) or not etc. That is one of the key requirements on open networks, although it is more important for the consumer that they can subscribe to services (running on top of IP) from any provider. The network provider can bundle services with the access, but not do anything technical that has impact on the competition.

I would like journalists spend 5 more minutes checking the details…as the devil is in the details regarding these deployments of networks. Are they open or not? Is this an example of a good network or yet another example of a bad network that have to be opened up with the help of regulation, penalties etc?

Updated: Spelling Teracom is hard…