What is really included?

An article in Computer Sweden in Sweden say that 25000 people get free broadband access in the city of Luleå. The city owned landlord see broadband as a service similar to heat, electricity and water. But, what is included, and how open is the network?

Internetaccess, e-postadresser och webbutrymme får hyresgästerna utan extra avgift och därutöver kan de teckna avtal med de tjänsteleverantörer som verkar i Luleås stadsnät.

My translation end up being something like: Internet access, e-mail addresses and web is what the tenant get without paying anything extra, and on top of that they can sign up with service providers that exists in the city network of the city of Luleå

Question is whether people can only choose between those providers, or whether they can choose between any provider on the Internet?