Most silly proposal of today: forbid flying south of Sundsvall in Sweden?

I have nothing against trains, I like trains, and I would like to take a train when travelling to Stockholm. But, for trains to be a choice in reality for me, a few requirements have to be fulfilled. None of them completely out of bound.

  • Time with train between Lund and Stockholm (about 600km) must be lowered from 4 hours to about 2. Not impossible as trains that make >300km/h exists in many places on the planet.
  • Train between Malmö and Simrishamn need to be built. And not delayed indefinitely like it has been today.
  • Time schedule for (local) public transportation in Skåne must match the timetable for the long distance trains. Not be a complete mismatch like it is today (between X2000 and Skåneexpressen busses).

When problems like those are resolved, then we can talk again. Today I have to travel by car to either bus or train (30-60 min drive) in each direction as public transportation does not match the long distance transportation, and then I have to either fly (1h) or take the train (4h) to reach Stockholm. This imply door to door take if I am lucky 5 hours with train and 3 hours with air. 5 hours is far too long if one do not want to stay over night in Stockholm.

Because of this, I do not see anything else than this proposal from (mp) to force people to use train by penalties will fail. They will get more enemies. If they instead use the carrot instead of the whip (resolve the problems I list above), then I will happily take the train instead of flying. Now, when reading the proposal, I am just angry and think it is silly.