Broken link to Försvarsberedningen website
Sweden have an parliamentarian group called Försvarsberedningen. When searching in Google for more information, of course Wikipedia ends up being one of the top ranked links. In this Wikipedia article, a link exists for what one might think is a website where information about Försvarsberedningen should be.
What is interesting here is not that some link is outdated. It is not that Wikipedia is not updated (I added a note to the article about the broken link). It is that the domain name has data in the DNS, and there is a web server running on the site with that IP address, but without the webserver for Försvarsberedningen.
This shows a common error of course. That some webmaster was hacking away, creating a good webpage. Later the person left, and people forgot about the website. At the next upgrade of the computer, people completely forgot about the website. And we have a dead link.
But that it is a site belonging to the Swedish Government? And that it was the site used by Försvarsberedningen, the parliamentarian group that is writing reports about Swedish view on defense? Well, I let you decide whether I already spent too much time writing about this, or whether this is an example where the Government should have kept better control over their services.
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