More file sharing of books!

Jan Kallberg has decided to release one of his latest books, Så sänkte jag Sovjetunionen, for free over the Internet. He decided to do so in reaction to the panic the minister of Justice and others have got (as we can see for example in this article in SvD). He even encourages people to share the book, send a copy to friends etc.

Who want to print 704 pages when it cost between 39 and 70 SEK to buy in the store?

He also reminds people about a discussion in ZTV 1997 when he pointed out that MP3 will completely torpedo the music industry, and that the representative from the music industry laughed at him. Now we know what happened. And of course that the legal protection time for a dead body is 25 years while protection on something covered by copyright is 70 years. Why? That is another silly unbalance in the new modern society.

I see this initiative by Jan is yet another evidence on an author and publisher that understand that the only way one can survive is to adjust and adopt. Invent new business models. And as he says in another good book of his, there is a danger with being normal.

You can download the book from here.