Investigator ask for more power to Swedish Data Inspection Board

An article in Ny Teknik talk about the investigation just handed in to the government (SOU 2008:3) that ask for more power to the Swedish Data Inspection Board. Further, they suggest that various privacy related issues are added to the Swedish constitution.

This is the final report from the (my translation to English) Committee on protection against intrusions on personal integrity, and from my point of view it is about time the government get something written down like this that talk about the long term implications on intrusions on privacy. My hope is that now the Government will do something, and make some decisions according to this proposal, so that the current debate in Sweden regarding privacy can end, and we instead can concentrate on moving ahead. Discuss what measures (for example) can be used to find criminals without violating the rules we (then) have in Sweden.

Today, the debate is too much on the meta issues, and people disagree on whether specific proposals for wiretap etc are good or not because we do not have agreement on what is ok or not in general.