The unmanageable Airport

Paul Hoffman writes about him not being able to configure an old Apple Airport base station after upgrading to MacOSX 10.5. The same problem exists if one upgrade to MacOSX 10.5 Server and want to administrate both a MacOSX Server 10.4 and MacOSX Server 10.5 from the same client. The admin software is simply not backward compatible.

I think this is a bad thing. Really bad thing. Specifically to not have the MacOSX Server utilities backward compatible with old versions of MacOSX server. Who is upgrading all of their servers at the same time?

It is though possible to use the old software (from 10.4) in 10.5. If one remember to name the software differently of course. The links inside the Server Utilities one can use to “jump” between admin and open directory management does not work though.

This is broken Apple. Really broken.