Carbon footprint calculator

Tobias added a link to a page, where one can do a calculation on the amount of greenhouse gases one emit every year. My result was 7.3 tonnes per year, which is well above the average. 5.0 of them because of my travel with car and airplane. Specifically airplane I would say. Something I am very well aware of. Let me explain why I am in Stockholm today, to demonstrate the video conferencing product Cisco Telepresence to some people, and explain how we at Cisco by using this immediately can cut our travel with 20%.

I think myself I am cutting my travel quite a lot, but more importantly, I am now spending possibly 20% of my time working on smart ways of working so I in the future do not have to travel as much. Such as trying to get more video conferencing equipment. Of course I also have other meetings here in Stockholm now when I am here. So the day is used in an as efficient way as possible.

The other large bad thing is my car. But if there where some ability to travel from Sjöbo to Sturup Airport (MMX) so that it matches the flights (or at all!) then I definitely would have parked in Sjöbo. And if there where fast trains so that one could get for example from Lund to Stockholm in 2 hours and not 4, then I would have taken the train.

I am definitely not fond of travelling, and I am dead tired of it. But as it is today, one have to. And I do not feel bad as I am really working hard changing the way I live. Just like I hope everyone do.

Please do the test yourself, and see where you end up!