Electronic services - accessible from wherever and whenever

The Swedish Parlamentarian Eliza Roszkowska Öberg(m) in her blog post the response the IT Minister Åsa Torstensson gave to a question Eliza asked her. Interested people (that know Swedish) can find the question 2007/08:668 here and the answer here.

But the interesting piece is hidden at the end of this answer, and I guess that imply this is now public information (I hope we will get a press release about it, because this is really interesting…). The minister says:

En del av vårt arbete bedrivs genom särskilda strategiska projekt som vi i Näringsdepartementets politiska ledning nyligen beslutat. Inom ett av projekten, Elektroniska tjänster – var som helst och när som helst – kommer ett viktigt arbete att bedrivas när gäller att utveckla effektmål, strategiska åtgärder och indikatorer för uppföljning av insatser och resultat.

In short, the minister here say there is a project named Electronic services - accessible from wherever and whenever at the ministry that will do important work regarding defining measurable goals, suggest strategic actions and indicators so that decisions and actions can be measured and evaluated.

This is something I, and many with me, have asked for for years, and that the minister is now starting some well defined work – and with that very interesting name of the project – is absolutely excellent!