Swedish largest movie company do not understand what Web 2.0 is

SvD writes that the larges movie company in Sweden SF (65% market share) show they do not understand what the Internet is, they have missed the ideas Web2.0 are built upon, and they fight against their friends, they block their site so movie lovers that want to increase movie visits in Sweden can not help anymore.

What has happened is that the website biotider.se for many years have collected by screen scraping collected information on what movies are running when and where. If people then where interested in a movie, they directly with a link could end up on the “book ticket here” function at the website of the movie company (in most cases SF in Sweden) via deep linking.

But now SF has decided the movie program is a trade secret. People are not able to know what movie is running where. This is something that is a secret that is hidden somewhere on the SF website. Maybe they have the idea to sell this data and use that as a revenue source. Oh boy how stupid they are.

Does SF really think this action will increase their sale? Will this blocking increase the number of people visiting their cinemas and buying tickets?

I am so chocked I will not even tell you the correct answers to the questions. SF should visit Mindpark and my friend Joakim there, and get some education on what the Internet is. Or maybe ask someone working at SF that is below 35 years old and ask them what Web 2.0 is.

It is then of course not a surprise SF Bio do not have any information on their website on who is in their leadership. If one go to the Bonnier Group website, there is no information there either. The parent company of SF Bio is Bonnier Broadcasting & Entertainment, part of the Bonnier group. In there there are many pieces that do understand the Internet, Web2.0 etc. So how come SF can act in such a weird way?

Updated: The company TV4, another company in the Bonnier group in Computer Sweden say illegal filesharing is a good thing for them. It increases the sales and interest of the TV series they later show on TV. Maybe TV4 should take over the movie business from SF bio?