Derailing takes six days to repair

SvD writes about a train that derailed earlier today. A train that had an heavy transformer on it. It derailed between the cities of Norrköping and Katrineholm, and it will take six days before the tracks are open again. Tracks that are used for the fast (everything is relative) trains between Stockholm and Malmö.

Banverket write about the problem, and say that it was a transformer on its way from ABB in Ludvika. The transformer weighs 182 tonnes, and the special wagon carrying the transformer weighs 260 tonnes. The whole train is 500 tonnes. They have to build a new road (for the crane that lifts the transformer) which will take two days, repair the tracks etc, so the tracks will not be open for traffic earlier than next Saturday. The transformer and train etc managed to block both tracks.

Also SJ writes about it. They do not say much more than that the traffic is rerouted.

I ask myself what really happened? Did the tracks not manage to carry the load? Due to a lot of water in the ground? Only the future (investigation) will tell. The interesting part is that SJ claim the accident was in Simonstorp, SvD say “between Norrköping and Katrineholm” while Banverket says Näkna.