YouTube and Pakistan

So I was interviewed in an article in Ny Teknik (in Swedish) about the incident where BGP blackhole routing was leaking to neighbor ISPs from where the blackhole was deployed. I did my best (as a non-BGP person) to explain to the paper that interviewed me over a cellphone while I was at IGF in Geneva how things really work on the Internet. Tried to explain that all ISPs, just like in the SS7 world, have to balance their interest in getting changes implemented fast (as the customers so require) with risk of getting wrong data from those friends.

But most of all, I tried to make people understand this is NOT something to panic about. Bad that it happened, yes. But, everyone involved have already (I am sure) better routines already, and btw, the leakage was only (as far as I know) about an hour.

Updated: People that want to know more about the details should look at this post at CircleID.