Swedish e-invoice format is not at all broken

I wrote about an article where a Swedish solution for e-Invoices for public sector is discussed. I described that the main problem with the solution is that Verva has chosen a broker function instead of formalizing on a format for the e-Invoice. Sure, Verva is saying that the broker is only to be used by the ones that can not use the format specified, but that is not how the overall design of the solution is.

But in this article one can also see that there are complaints on the format of the e-Invoice itself. Complaints that the government did choose a different format than what is already in use. Of course one should use what is in use – if possible. But in this case I think the correct choice has been made. SveFaktura (which is what the format is called) is based on ebXML, an open standard that is used all over the place in the world. I think in the longer run everyone involved will be happy we in Sweden decided to go down that path. And change format now instead of later when the costs would be higher. It is also the case that conversion from one format to another is not that hard.

Last, I see complaints that meetings with the Government of Sweden has been cancelled. Every time a meeting in cancelled there are various reasons for that. Where all parties to some degree are responsible. At least if I where the party complaining, I would concentrare my artillery on the real issues, and create as many friends as possible, not look for enemies where no enemies exists. And btw, it is not the Government that have decided on these things (the broken invoice broker and the format that I like), it is Verva.