Messiest week of the year!

Last week was extraordinary messy. Stockholm Monday for the Teldok 2.0 discussions. Good discussions, but unfortunately I could not stay all day. Then Tuesday I was at home preparing for the last part of the week. Wednesday I was in Brussels discussing RFID. At least that was what I thought until I arrived there. More discussions about IPv6 and “Network Neutrality” than I expected. And of course the two initiatives in Sweden. One by IVA on “Ambient Sweden” and one by the Government on “Access to services - from wherever and whenever”.

Then home again in the evening. Working with a server that had memory problems (have I said I do not like memory allocation in VMWare?), and then up early for yet another flight to Stockholm. Meetings at the .SE TLD all day followed by a Cisco internal video conference, and a meeting between SNUS and IAB.

Friday was better. Meetings at Cisco Sweden followed by two(!) breakfast meetings downtown Stockholm and an early flight home.

I hope this week will be better…