IPv6 is deployed more and more

I am at the RIPE meeting in Berlin. Here as at other meetings lately, they will turn off IPv4 for an hour or so, just to see how things work. I think these kind of events are important, as it forces people to actually do something, and they can see how much IPv6 is really deployed.

When I yesterday pushed some Internet-Drafts through the IETF publication process, I had to cancel one of the submissions I tried to do (the draft in question was later published via the manual process). What was interesting was the confirmation letter I got (email addresses mangled by me here in the post):

From: IETF I-D Submission Tool <idsubmission@ietf....>
To: paf@cisco.....
Subject: Submission of draft-ietf-idnabis-tables-00 has been Cancelled
Date: Mon,  5 May 2008 12:11:29 -0700 (PDT)

This message is to notify you that submission of an Internet-Draft,
draft-ietf-idnabis-tables-00, has just been cancelled by a user whose
computer has an IP address of 2001:4120:1:0:21e:c2ff:feb7:1ff.

The IETF Secretariat.

As we can see, IPv6 is live and works very well!