IGF meeting over for this time
After four days in Geneva, I am at home again. The discussions did heat up the last day as expected, but the outcome I think is as good as it can get. The secretariat has already circulated a draft conclusion paper, and I expect that be approved today, and posted tomorrow. I will be back with info about it when it is published. The problem with discussions like these can be, I claim, categorized in two groups. The different view different parties have on how private and public sector is to work together. And what role non-UN organisations (can) have regarding governance. Of course people wanted to discuss “the future of ICANN” while same people did not want to discuss “the future of ITU”. This if I extrapolate a bit.
This require good leadership, and once again Nitin Desai, Markus Kummer and the staff (Avri Doria, Chengetai Masango and others) have proven they are good leaders of this very difficult process.