IPv6 discussions continues

Of course the discussions continues, this time on CircleID about the report earlier.

A few comments on the article by fellow ISOC BoT member Patrick. First of all, the OECD Ministeral meeting in Seoul is in June. So it has not happened. yet. The IPv6 report from OECD is released though as mentioned by Patrick. Secondly, exactly because of the reasons mentioned above (ISPs need customers before they can deploy IPv6 etc), the European Comission is pushing by requesting public e-services, member states and themselves as an organisation to use IPv6. This is not pushing as in “asking other people to do something”. Just because, as mentioned in the comments, that does not work. So, the report is good, it talks about the right things, and people interested should read it. I also wrote about this report. People can also have a look at the presentation Detlef Eckert from the European Commission had at the RIPE meeting earlier in May 2008. That described the report pretty well.