ICANN IDN ccTLD Fast Track Mechanism report announced

Today ICANN announced the Draft Final Report of Recommendations for IDN ccTLD Fast Track Mechanism. I have been a member of the group that have worked on this, and my task has been to help with the technical requirements. You can see the report as PDF here. Part of the review of a request include a technical review, and the technical review is to look at the following:

  • The label itself is in accordance with and complies with IDNA2008 protocol
  • No characters other than identified in Unicode as Letters or [combining] marks are used
  • No characters are used that map out as compatibility equivalents and only strings that are NFC-compliant
  • No leading or trailing digits (in any script) are used.
  • No joiners or other invisible characters are used
  • There is no mixing of scripts
  • The proposed string is valid both for IDNA2003 and IDNA2008
  • No names that are shorter than three characters in ASCII, nor names shorter then two characters in non-ASCII are used
  • It is demonstrated that the language and script chosen for the Language table for an IDN-ccTLD, is an “official” language in Territory, regardless of the The TLD proposed in combination with the language table being used when operational together with the Language Table does not create rendering problems in URLs, Email addresses etc., when in use.