FRA: What are the issues?

I have decided that I part from the fact I have written already posts like this (in Swedish) about the legislation, I should summarize what I think the problems are. Partly because many people have asked me to, partly because members of the parliament and government have asked me, partly because Carl Bildt, Minister for Foreign Affairs, wrote in his blog some things I agree with, and some things I do not agree with. Exactly what, well, you have to wait until I have finished my writing.

The way this will be laid out is that I will write one blog post per issue, because many postings (including the one mr Bildt wrote) mixes up I think too many things. Even in single sentences. Only by looking at each one of the issues one by one it is possible to move the discussion forward. A discussion that I hope can and will be held between many parties, and will lead to good decisions by the Government in the fall of 2008.