
I have just posted a new version of my proposed specification of the URI Resource Record Type. With this, one is supposed to be able to directly look up the URI of something in a domain without having to use the NAPTR Resource Record first.

An example is when one want to know the URI for the webpage of the example.com domain. Instead of “guessing” that the URI is http://www.example.com/ one is supposed to look up the URI record for the _http._web.example.com domain name and get back for example http://www.example.com, or rather, get back for example:

\_http.\_web.example.com. IN URI 10 10 "http://www.example.com/"

The specifications of the prefixes for the owner (in this example _http and _web) are taken from the IANA registry of ENUM Services.

One can find the draft here, and a diff from the -00 version here.

Title           : The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) DNS Resource Record
Author(s)       : P. Faltstrom, O. Kolkman
Filename        : draft-faltstrom-uri-01.txt
Pages           : 10
Date            : 2008-07-13