Geneva and Internet Governance Forum

After spending the weekend at home (!) and helping arrange Kulturhusens dag in Lövestad, I am now in Geneve. The Internet Governance Forum has a meeting. Yesterday (Monday) we looked at the financial situation, and as always with processes like these, it is problematic to get funding. But, funding is under control although it could be better.

Today there is an open meeting of the IGF. Specifically the agenda and logistics of the upcoming meeting in Hyderabad, India.

I am the responsible coordinator for the main workshop on Multilingualism and Diversity, and as such I thought we had an agreement on the major outline of the session. That we as a basis for the discussions look at the need people have to communicate with each other. To be able to create content. This need require support functions, each one of them in various importance. Like translated software, internationalized domain names and email address (and other identifiers etc).

But at this mornings meeting, some statements where made that show the consensus was not as strong as I was hoping. I therefore have just called to an extra informal meeting before tomorrow mornings meeting start.

I am pretty sure we will resolve the issues, although it is always said to discover these things late in the process. I was hoping we could go into details of the session, but now we have to look at the overall design again. Hopefully just a bump in the road.