What about 1929 Pomerol?
I got some questions in Facebook how it came that I took a picture of a 1929 Pomerol. The story is that I am a member of the Wine Tasting Club called Munskänkarna. Each month we have some tasting of wine, almost every time together with food.
This time, it was old against young. We had three different varieties, Champagne, Chianti and Pomerol. Two of each. And then the head of the session (Mårten Söderlund, that also run Good Old Wines) had a surprise. For an extra fee that had to be paid before the bottle was opened, we could try the 1929 Pomerol. The other wines where not bad either. The old ones where (if I remember correctly) a 1955 Mumm Champagne, 1957 Pomerol and 1967 Chianti. An evening to remember. Sorry for the bad pictures, but I did not bring any camera, so I had to rely on whatever existed in my cellphone.
There seems to have been a similar tasting that also Mårten was running at a different section of Munskänkarna. It was described in Helsingborgs Dagblad.