Monday in Stockholm

Today I have a series of meetings that involve Swedish IT Politics. First an hour or so at the regulator PTS to present some ideas I have on Why we have the problems we have with network neutrality in Europe. I have not presented those ideas publicly yet, although you dear readers of this blog will not be surprised when you see them.

After that a full afternoon with the IT Minister and IT-Rådet. I will lift some issues at todays meeting that is the result of the last weeks discussions around IGF and World Telecommunication Policy Forum (WTPF). The current document(s) and issues rised there should make people rise more than the eyebrows.

Then a meeting as preparation for the Public Services Summit @ Nobel Week that Cisco hosts. It is Cisco Sweden that have a local meeting before the global meeting starts with a reception that normally is very nice. I was one of the persons starting this series of meetings, so it will be nice to come back as a guest.

Last, hopefully a nice dinner, but given how busy this day will be, I am not really sure I will have the energy. Only the future can tell.