Triple play -- part three

My friend Barry Leiba to my second post about the discount the end user get if they buy the same services from the same player. And say, if I understand the comment correctly, that it is the discount that implies the churn decreases.

It is true a discount like this decrease churn. It is probably also true that churn is low just because it is convenient for the consumer to have all services delivered by the same party (one invoice, one customer service to contact etc). And I think this is ok, what parties should concentrate at.

What I am worried about is though that there is a economical incentive for the access provider to ensure the Internet Access is of bad quality. Or rather, there is no incentive at all to ensure the Internet Access is good. As long as the access is bad, it is hard for the consumer to buy services like VoIP from competing providers of services. In reality the access provider is locking out competitors. Uses technical solutions to decrease churn and not only economical.