IT Minister is noted in "best of 2008"

In Computer Sweden it is noted that Åsa Torstensson, the IT Minister, failed getting 3 billion SEK for broadband infrastructure.

Although it might be hard for the minister to get the money, this price is based on an earlier article that point out the problems she has convincing the rest of the government the need for this investment.

This second article do though contain so many errors. People interviewed have obviously not read the report, or read it without understanding it. First of all, to get good radio acces, one need good infrastructure to the radio access points. Radio and cables (fiber) are not competing with each other, they are complementing each other. Secondly, the report very explicitly state that the hand over between broadband provider and the end user must move from the telco facilities (~3km from the end user) to a point much closer (~300 meters). This implies the money is not going to support the copper network. The contrary.

Where I definitely agree with the article is that we must have much more detailed instructions on what the money is to be used for. That it can not be used for regional politics (I rather see good things done in a bit of Sweden than bad things all over).

And finally, that Åsa will have problems arguing for the money in discussions with specifically the Ministry of Finance is pretty clear.