Deep Fried Ice Cream
So I have made one of my favorite desserts again. Deep fried ice cream. It is not as hard to make as it sounds, but it takes time. The description below is for 10 packages. Enough for 5 hungry people, or 10 not so hungry. Read the whole recipe before starting as I might describe something further down that is important… To make this, you do it in four stages with a few hours in the freezer in between. You can make everything until deep frying (and including making the sauce) the day or days before you will have this for dinner. This makes this dessert also perfect for parties, as it is so easy to make – the day of the party.
Start by making thin pancakes. Not the thick ones you find for breakfast in the US, but thin, like the ones you use for crepes.
Take some ice cream. In this case I used a 500g package that i divided in 10 slices.
Put each slice on one pancake, and wrap by folding short sides first, then the long sides. Place the package with opening down, so the package stays closed. For example on a silicon sheet on top of a plastic cutting board. This must go fast so that the ice cream does not melt. For example by having cold pancakes and very cold ice cream.
The package should be as solid as possible. No air, and definitely no opening where the ice cream is visible. Put the packages in the freezer.
Take raspberries, in my case frozen, and mash them through a filter. You see the device I use. You can probably use something else as well. The important thing here is to get the juice and not the stones from the raspberries. Add confectioners suger to taste. In my case, I use 500g raspberries and about 2.5dl of confectioners suger.
After the packages has been in the freezer for a few hours, and they are hard, take the packages out and place batter for deep freezing on them. Only on top and sides for now. Then back into the freezer. After another few hours, take them out, turn them around and place batter on the other side. They must be completely covered in batter, or else the warm oil will reach the ice cream which would be a disaster.
Deep fry the frozen packages for about 5 minutes. Turn around after a few minutes if the packages are floating in the oil (which they probably do). I normally use high temperature (190°C). The packages should turn just brownish like any deep fried stuff. Be careful and watch if you see ice cream leaking. If this happens, take out the package that leaks asap!
Place the packages on plates, and raspberry sauce around it. Serve immediately after deep frying them.