Ingemar Johansson has passed away

The first, and so far only, world champion in heavyweight boxing from Sweden has died. He passed away on Jan 30, 2009. On 26th of juni, 1959, in front of 30 000 people on Yankee Stadium, he knocked Floyd Patterson two minutes and three seconds into the third round.

He was born 22nd of september 1932, and I will as certainly many people from Sweden remember him as a very nice, calm, friendly person from Gothenburg (with a typical dialect) that also some jokes has originated from. Like that he is claimed to turn down an offer to get 1/3 of the revenue of a gala because he wanted at least 1/4.

He will be deeply missed. I have already missed Ingemar as he has been sick for a few years. His face on television, or on the radio, always made me smile.

A great guy. What more can I say?

Ingemar Johansson, from Wikipedia under Creative Commons