I am talking about IPv6 on Thursday (Feb 5) in Stockholm

On this coming Thursday I will present IPv6 from a security perspective. This is talked about in Computer Sweden. I will talk in the afternoon of Tech World IT-SecurityWorld at Kista Science Tower just north of Stockholm.

The most interesting thing at the moment, part from the fact the program looks pretty good so I am not happy I will miss most of the day because of other commitments, that the website of the event is broken. If one click on for example Program on their website, one get raw html code back…

<p><strong><font size="4"><img style="WIDTH: 661px; HEIGHT: 27px" height="27"
alt="" width="653"   src="/polopoly\_fs/1.201997!imageManager/290239945.png" />
<table height="70" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" width="200" summary=""
            <td><img style="WIDTH: 171px; HEIGHT: 999px" height="621" alt=""
 width="171"   src="/polopoly\_fs/1.201979!imageManager/86805134.png" /></td>
            <td valign="top">&nbsp;<img alt=""