Two weeks without facebook and twitter

I have the last two weeks hardly kept track of what has happened in the social networks I participate in. Even though I have managed to get Facebook and Twitter to work fine together. I have sort of updated Brightkite but not much more.

Have I survived? Yes. Have I managed to know what is going on in the world? No! I have found myself skipping paper newspapers first, then TV and last the RSS feeds and social networks. I have kept up with the conferences, and what has been going on around them. Massive amount of email and chat rooms (where chat room activities in back channels have surprised some people regarding how effective they are). Simply because there is where my brain had to be.

But it implicitly turned into an interesting experience. I miss the world, and today I will meet tons of people I do not know, but I also have no idea what really has happened lately. I better listen to radio while driving the next 9 hours or whatever it will be.